October 20, 2017
Home from a business trip, I decided to close out the Friday afternoon with laying up the port cockpit seat locker hatch. As I had done with the starboard hatch (barely visible in the background), I prepared the template / mold by covering it with plastic film. I then prepared the fiberglass: 11' of 6" 1708 biaxial tape and 3' of the 4" 1708 tape. The glass was cut and the work surfaces set up so I moved forward with mixing epoxy. Like I had done with the starboard side, I fully wet out two 6" pieces of glass, applied them to the mold, and then covered the seam with a 4" piece.
I progressed through another 4 pieces of 6" 1708 biaxial tape, or two layers, for a total of 3 layers of 1708 biaxial. I will allow this to cure before coming back to water-wash, sand and prepare the surface for another couple layers of glass. The 5 layers of glass will be further strengthened by supports that I will glass-in on the underbellies of each hatch.
Total Time Today: 1.75 hrs